

Story of a paintbrush

Omission -  an art
she failed to master ;
the chalice so regal,
her bristles too dull
ducked and drowned
and seized to stir.

She drank decoy
soaked in him,
deathless spell filled to brim.
Besotted she stayed
entrapped in amour ;
hesitant to emerge
modest in manner.

Omission - an art
she failed to master ;
iridescence in him
drenched her brighter.
Pops out she,
tinted with shades ;
paints her dreams
unafraid ;
dotted and flaked
with reminiscence indelible,
chances infallible,
strokes insatiable,
a picture ineffable.

Omission - an art
she failed to master ;
arrested in rapture
aeons after.

The Voice of a medico

First of all,  I raise a toast to this : India has been declared a polio-free nation this year ; no new case been detected in the past 3 years!
This  Republic Day,  it is my earnest appeal to the Aam Aadmi, the fellow citizens, the presswallahs,  the school goers... and perhaps to every other bloke across the street for that matter - to spare a thought for the doctors,  the would-be doctors and the entire medical fraternity.
I tell you very honestly, that we work harder than we sleep... we delve deep into stuff that transcends the imagination of a common man... every minute of the day,  we fight against circumstances that demand enormous persistence and an iron-will... and we do every bit possible- only to secure this nation a pink health!  There are times when we are raised to the pedestal of a God... and then there are times when no stone is left unturned to defame us. Yet we believe in being like a duck :calm on the surface and  pedalling vigorously underneath. We are thick-skinned people and tough nuts to crack because burning the midnight oil is our way of life. Despite everything,  what we expect in return is a little more decency -  in language and in demeanour when you talk to us and talk about us... a second thought and an attempt to peep behind the curtains before you decide to tarnish the image of a doctor by labelling him/her 'irresponsible' for a case not taken or 'negligent' for a case gone wrong! A bit more empathy on everyone's part shall go a long way in strengthening the doctor-patient relationship in the community...and may be secure us better working conditions in the hospitals so that the nation doesn't suffer despite all the resources and the number of working hands.
Happy Republic Day everyone! Proud to be an Indian.