May be because it is my
birth month or may be because it marks the ‘zenith’ of the year on the
astrological wheel, ‘October in Ranchi’ stands apart from the rest of the
calendar in more ways than one...and it is only befitting that I sit down with
my lappy this evening, trying to squeeze out the colourful pearls of memories
from the chambers of my heart that are still awash with the most precious
moments I have lived.
doesn’t manifest itself anywhere as exquisitely as it does in my beloved
Ranchi... Needless to say, the utter ecstacy of the crisp dawns, followed by
the summery noons stays with you like the smell of an English rose. The evening
breeze has a melliifluous ring to it as the notes of anticipation waft through the
air - anticipation of a rebirth - of the entire milieu sprouting back to life
in the coming months.