I'm every biology student's dream. I'm every medical aspirant's last bet. I'm every intern's triumph and every doctor's 'amour propre'. I'm the White Coat dipped in ink today.
Every Monday, I look dapper. My creased sleeves and sharply- folded collar announce a week-long battle with sweat, blood stains, food stains and blotches of ink. By the weekend, when I've conquered all, I retire into the arms of my favourite bucket for a night, only to come out anew the very next morning. And I'm game for life yet again. The pride that a doctor takes in me makes me feel larger than life - a mere piece of cloth stitched into an awe-inspiring attire.
On a few days, a handsome young intern enters an overflowing Casualty without me. They notice his stetho, take a sigh and give him way. Afterall, the doctor has arrived.
She rushes into the ICU with her stetho, checks the vitals of the patient and prepares herself to report it. But oh dear, she didn't know that the world is more interested in knowing the 'whys and hows' of her decision of not wearing me today for she might just be a distraction at the workplace. On other days, the world is more interested in knowing what 'she' is wearing 'underneath' me... What made her choose a top over a kurti today? Why is she wearing red today? And wasn't her kurti of the same colour the day before too?
I stay folded in her bag, beginning to question the meaning of my existence for the two genders. I'm the White Coat that spilled the ink today.
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