


Shuttling between various stations of life that start from textbooks and novels and finish at music, cricket and facebook, sometimes one gets caught in a strange web and ends up losing sense of time.
All this being a part of modern life, I have no complaints whatsoever. But may be, now, it's time for me to stop, sit back and give a green signal to my brain cells. And writing is something I thoroughly enjoy. Being no professional blogger myself, these are only a few baby-steps that might just go on in completing the bigger picture someday. The blog might appear like a collage of thoughts for I'm trying to include some of my previous write-ups too. Some of the posts might sound juvenile, immature or biased. So, just spare a thought for me- I am just a school pass-out! However, I hope my blogs will be fun to read and a simple way to love, live and share.
By the way, this is Nikita Vipul @ nikitaCalling :)


Vishwesh Jha
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Vishishtha Upul

The opening spell's a tight one.All the best for your future blogs.Keep writing!

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