Maybe because all I need is an excuse. An excuse to write. A stuff, a situation or an event to trickle down and freeze into my writing. And that's why I choose the word 'sorry'.
A five-lettered present, festooned in a wrapper of 'caution', that the Brits left for us, can threaten to dwindle your existence big time! Caught up in a seemingly never-ending spiral, you're either sorry for not being sorry... or worse, it is the other way round! Then, you're sorry for being yourself... or sorry for not being yourself (in which case, they'll accuse you of hypocrisy). Either ways, the bottomline is : you're sorry. The gravity of the word is unquestionable... for you feel it every time you let it out of your mouth but its effectiveness becomes subjective... driving you helpless because you know 'SORRY' is your last resort - the last weapon in your arsenal that you're about to deploy. At that point, all you do is blame the 'big, fat Advanced Learner's Oxford Dictionary' for appearing listless in this regard! :p
From the other end of the spectrum, I pity the word 'sorry' from the core of my heart... for having to juggle between multiple roles... because life doesn't provide us with an 'undo' option :p... and also because the fate of this word lies at the heart of the receiver :D. And before that fate turns sour and sorry, I'd pray for the 'sorry' soul to rest in peace! :p
Anyways, I'm really sorry for making you go through this sorry experience! :p
Anyways, I'm really sorry for making you go through this sorry experience! :p
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