


I wait with a child-like eagerness for the vermilion of twilight to blend into pitch-dark on my canvas. While my eyes contemplate the age-old magic being recreated, the mystical mingling of hues into one another kindle the recesses of my mind with just one word - 'SPONTANEITY'.

Simply put, 'spontaneity' is the quality of being able to do something just because you feel like it at the moment, of trusting your instincts, of taking yourself by surprise and snatching from the clutches of a well-organised routine, a bit of unscheduled plea. But it could also be the spunk to go unconventional and feel the things inside-out. The very paradigm of nature operates under the veil of 'spontaneity'. It could lie at the heart of the breeze that brushes past your tresses and runs across your face... a pair of water droplets that trickles down your window pane on a wet monsoon morning... the silver mist that envelopes the thick glow from the streetlight... or the soft jingling of the wind-chime... It could also ring in the jig that you break in during shower... the tunes that you hum when no one's around... the somersault that you try doing when home alone... Or it could be there in Kajol's eyes - fiery and fiesty, rhyming with the dance of emotions - and in her effervescent laughter, tinkling with a new rhythm and a new reason everytime! Humour too is a spontaneous, wonderful bit of an outburst that just comes. It's unbridled, it's unplanned, it's full of surprises. Come what may, the very essence of pleasure lies in spontaneity.
Those 'spur-of-the-moment' instances allow each one of us to shed the heaviness of our outer persona and resonate with the gentle force that holds us from within. Cherish them, and live them for that is where the rarest of all treasures called 'I' lies...! Sometimes, it's alright to break the rules and see the unexpected regions of yourself get revealed.
When the daily errands of life seem to turn you dull and morbid, listen to the pulse of spontaneity in your heart, and then - Overindulge! Let the music blare - let yourself gorge on too much chocolate - and - get drenched - because someone has already said, "If you wait to do everything, until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything..."  


Vishwesh Jha
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