


Shah Rukh Khan is a workaholic. My Dad is another, albeit he is no King Khan. And my degree of reverence for both touches an inexplicable level. These are people who are almost married to their work. The always-so-dedicated lady of the house might turn into a nagging figure, the kids might kick up a fuss... and the nosy neighbours might hold a grudge or two, occasionally. But the bottom-lineis : there is no picture as remarkably inspirational as that of a man consumed by his work. Such perceptive minds are shrouded by a whiff of mystery. I have always been intrigued by what keeps these men going. And when I say ‘going’, it really means working 28 hours a day! This blog is born more out of my attempt to get an inch closer to the ‘engine’ that drives them.

That ‘drive’ to stay on the road appears ageless, may be because it stems from an undying love for perfection or more appropriately, from an incessantly probing faculty of mind. And because such men treat their lives in terms of a grain of sand, their ability to find harmony from discord is impeccable. Their work ethic is about aligning with the frequency of the ‘task’ they so passionately wish to bring to life.  The notion of an old wine in a new bottle doesn’t bubble them over. What disengages them from the daily ‘cries’ of bread and butter is the ‘hunger’ satiated with hitting the right note… the ‘thirst’ to take it a notch higher and the ‘zeal’ to come out with a more ‘evolved’ version. The exactitude only seems to rekindle the fire within that keeps them miles ahead of others…

True, it demands a very discerning mind to connect to such people, to trace the dots they just joined… Nevertheless, the ‘road not taken’ is always a ‘road to self-discovery’. “Tiredness is a state of mind”, somebody remarked. And when my kid sister retorted, “But so is everything else!” in a tone entwined with humour, I could only gape in admiration.

Surely, another ‘workaholic’ in the making! :p


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